
Cabinet review from the business world – Bloomberg HT

The business world announced its expectations for the new cabinet, which was opened by President Erdoğan and changed all members except two ministers. Noting that the priority should be to solve the problems in the economy and production life, the representatives of the business world wished success to the new cabinet.

TİSK: We are ready to do our part

Ozgur Burak Akkol, Chairman of the Turkish Confederation of Employer Associations (TISK), in his message published on the occasion of the new Presidential Cabinet, stated that new works should be added to the work done so far for the country and working life, “We are at a time when we need to produce together as a country and work harder than ever before. We have carried out all the works we have carried out so far in cooperation with all stakeholders on the axis of workers, employers, public benefits and social dialogue.We will continue to work and produce together for our country and our working life in the coming period.

As the Confederation of Turkish Employers’ Unions, since the day we were founded,
We stand by our state and our nation. Similarly, in Turkey’s new century
We are ready to do our bit. Our country and our working life are the best
We will continue to make every contribution to bring it to the point.

ISO: The priority should be to solve the problems in economy and production

Stating that the Presidential Cabinet has been announced and a new period of action has begun, Istanbul Chamber of Industry President Erdal Bahçıvan made a statement on his social media account, “Departing from the fact that we have no time to lose, I believe that the priority of our country and the Presidential Cabinet should be the solution of the problems in our economy and production life.

I congratulate our President, Mr. Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and the members of his cabinet, and wish him good luck for our country and nation. I would like to thank our ministers who handed over their duties for their valuable service to our country,” he said.

TIM: We will work shoulder to shoulder for more exports

President of the Turkish Exporters Assembly (TIM), Mustafa Gültepe, whose views were included in the statement made by TIM, wished the new cabinet to be beneficial and said, “I would like to thank our ministers with whom we worked side by side in the previous period to increase Turkey’s exports.”

Noting that production and exports have an indispensable place for the country’s economy, Gültepe said:​

“The way to develop our Turkey and increase the welfare of our nation is to use our resources in the most effective way, to add value to what we produce and to export more. We have big goals in exports. We are working with the vision of making our country among the top 10 countries in exports. I would like to underline that we are very pleased with the fact that the economic management in the new cabinet is composed of names that are well-known in the dynamics of trade and are trusted both in the domestic and international arena. We will work shoulder to shoulder for our country to export more. On this occasion, I wish success to all our ministers.”

“It will be a new source of motivation”

Istanbul Chamber of Commerce (ITO) President Şekib Avdagiç shared on his twitter account that the new cabinet will bring new vision and brand values ​​to our country, beyond the expectations of the private sector, and will build the next 100 years beyond 20 years. Avdagic said, “It will be a new source of excitement and motivation for our business world. We believe that we will work even more efficiently in the new period with our ministers of Commerce, Treasury and Finance, Industry and Technology, Labor and Social Security, with whom we work closely as the business world. As Istanbul Chamber of Commerce, we will make the necessary contribution to the economy management”.

DEİK: We will continue to work for the country

President of the Foreign Economic Relations Board (DEİK), Nail Olpak, congratulated President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, who was elected once again by the will of the people, for the new term of office, and said, “I wish the new Presidential Cabinet announced tonight to be beneficial for our country, our nation and our business world. “I would like to thank our previous ministers for their work and wish our new ministers success in their work. As the business world, we will continue to work for our country in a positive agenda-oriented cooperation with our ministers,” he said.

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