
Earthquake aid from the USA to Turkey continues


In the ongoing campaigns in the USA, the US Chamber of Commerce Foundation has raised 83 million dollars and the Turkish Philanthropy Foundation has collected 10 million dollars. In the statement made by the US Chamber of Commerce, it was stated that they are in contact with the authorities to assist Turkey in every matter.

Turkey’s Embassy in Washington DC also organized a separate campaign and shared a bank account number for earthquake victims. In addition, Turkish associations in the USA sent tens of thousands of containers of materials to Turkey.

The Biden administration also announced that it would provide a total of $185 million in aid to Turkey and Syria.

Record aid from two Turks in the USA

Fatih-Eren Özmen, the founders of the Sierra Nevada company headquartered in Nevada, and Hamdi Ulukaya, the founder of the Chobani company, announced that they will provide a cash support of 1 million dollars. Both companies announced that they will give an additional $1 million in cash support to the joint donation of the Turkish Philanthropy Foundation, up to $4 million.

On the other hand, it is estimated that the cash donations made by many Turks working in American companies to many different associations in Turkey amounted to approximately half a million dollars.

Support announcements from important American companies

Chipotle and Wells Fargo banks, one of the famous US food chains, offered their customers to help Turkey during the transaction.

American telecommunication companies AT&T, T-Mobile and Verizon also announced that they have temporarily made calling and messaging Turkey free from the USA. Starbucks, which has more than 15 thousand branches, also said to the windows of its shops, “Would you support Turkey? posted the ad.

Money transfer company Western Union has announced that its customers who send money to Turkey and Syria will not receive the transfer fee until 8 March.

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