
First statement from Putin on the Wagner crisis

Russian President Vladimir Putin stated that Wagner’s action was an “armed rebellion” and said, “All criminals who attempt an armed rebellion, organize it, and resort to blackmail and terror methods will inevitably be punished.” said.

Putin addressed the public because of the Russian security company Wagner crisis in his country.

Stating that he discussed the Wagner crisis with the commanders from all directions at night, Putin stated that the Wagner fighters “were dragged into an adventure with a serious criminal content and an armed rebellion”.

Underlining that Russia is fighting a “very difficult” struggle for its own future, Putin said, “Almost the entire military, economic and information machine of the West is against us. For the life and security of our people, our sovereignty and independence, we need to be Russia with a millennial history and “We are fighting to stay with Russia. This struggle, in which the fate of our people is determined, requires the unity, integration and responsibility of our strength. The conflicts that weaken us need to be cast aside. Our external enemies can use them to divide us from within.” said.

Describing the Wagner crisis as “an attempt to divide the society” and “shooting the people in the back”, Putin said, “For this reason, these actions that divide our unity are giving up on the people and their military comrades fighting on the front. This is shooting our country and our people in the back.” made its assessment.

Noting that his country was similarly beaten in 1917 during the First World War, Putin said that victory was stolen from Russia in this war.

“The intrigues, the political ambitions behind the army and the people, led to the greatest concussion, the destruction of the army and the state, the loss of vast territories and the tragedy of the civil war. The Russian Russian killed his brother brother. Various political adventurers and foreign powers who divided and shared the country. “We will not allow to divide Russia again. We will protect our people from internal treachery. The situation we face today is betrayal. Personal ambitions and interests led to betrayal of the country and the people.” he said.

“Those who tried to organize the rebellion betrayed”

President Putin described Wagner’s action as an “armed insurrection”.

“Those who tried to organize the revolt, leading the country into anarchy, fratricide, and ultimately defeat and surrender, also betrayed the Wagner warriors who fought and died side by side in the conflict.” Putin said:

“Any internal turmoil is a deadly threat to our state and to us as a nation. This means a coup d’etat for Russia and our people. Our actions to protect our homeland from such a threat will be harsh. Criminals will inevitably be punished, and they will respond in front of both the law and our people.”

Emphasizing that the necessary instructions have been given to the Russian Armed Forces and other state bodies in this regard, Putin said that additional measures have been taken against terrorism in some regions, including the city of Moscow and the Moscow region.

Pointing out that the situation in his country’s Rostov-Na-Don city is “difficult” and that the activities of civil and military governing bodies there are blocked, Putin said that decisive steps will be taken to stabilize the situation.

Expressing that as the head of state, he did his best to protect the constitutional order in the country and ensure the security of the citizens, Putin concluded his words as follows:

“The one who organized and prepared the military revolt, raised arms against his comrades in arms, betrayed Russia. They will answer for this. I urge those who were dragged into this crime not to make a big, tragic and fatal mistake and stop taking part in criminal acts. Valuable for us. And I believe that we will protect and defend what is holy, together with our homeland, we will overcome all difficulties and become stronger.”

Accusations from Wagner founder

Wagner’s founder, Prigojin, accused the Russian army of attacking Wagner and threatened to retaliate.

Upon this situation, the Federal Security Service (FSB) opened a criminal case on the charge of “armed riot”.

In a statement made by the Russian Ministry of Defense, the allegations that Wagner attacked their camps were denied.

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