
Food price warning from UN – Bloomberg HT

The effects of Russia’s decision to terminate the grain agreement were discussed at the UN Security Council.

Underlining the importance of Russia’s return to the agreement, many member states also thanked Turkey and the UN for their intense efforts.

Making a speech here, Rosemary DiCarlo, UN Assistant Secretary General for Political and Peacebuilding Affairs, drew attention to the fact that global food prices began to increase after Russia’s decision.

DiCarlo pointed out that this is exacerbating the current agricultural, energy and financial crises affecting the most vulnerable societies.

Pointing out that Russia’s attack on the ports in Ukraine dealt an additional blow to food security, DiCarlo said that the attacks also caused the loss of civilian lives.

“Threats that civilian ships in the Black Sea could be targeted are unacceptable,” DiCarlo said. used the phrase.

Underlining the need to avoid rhetoric and activities that will further trigger the already very dangerous situation, DiCarlo said, “Every precaution must be taken to prevent a conflict that may result from a military incident in the Black Sea. Otherwise, the consequences will be terrible for all of us.” warned.

Thanks to Turkey

UN Assistant Secretary General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Aid Coordinator Martin Griffiths stated that Russia’s decision has already affected millions of people who are in a very difficult situation.

Reminding that the agreements signed on July 22 last year are of historical importance, Griffiths noted that Russia’s decision to terminate it was a great disappointment.

Stating that the recent developments are “alarming”, Griffiths said, “Wednesday has been recorded as the day when grain prices increased the most since the beginning of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. This is not surprising, we were estimating the effect in question.” he said.

Stating that the UN will continue its efforts to realize grain exports, Griffiths stated that international support and diplomacy are needed for this.

“In this context, I would like to thank the Turkish government for its extraordinary efforts and support,” said Griffiths. he said.

Recalling that many people expressed their feelings of sadness and disappointment about Russia’s decision, Griffiths said, “But for the 362 million people, this is not a matter of sadness. It is about the future of their, their children, their families. They are not sad, they are angry and worried, some will starve, some will die of starvation.” used the phrase.

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