Monthly inflation series continues in Istanbul
While the monthly series of increases in consumer prices continued in Istanbul, the slowdown in annual inflation continued.
The Istanbul Wage Livelihood Index, which is an indicator of retail price movements in Istanbul in March, increased by 2.95 percent compared to the previous month. The rate of change in the index compared to the same month of the previous year was 73.02 percent.
The Wholesale Price Index, which is an indicator for producer prices and reflects wholesale price movements, increased by 4.96 percent on a monthly basis. In the Wholesale Price Index, there was an annual increase of 74.22 percent.
In retail prices, on a monthly basis, 8.89 percent in other expenditures, 5.32 percent in clothing, 4.70 percent in health and personal care, 3.97 percent in food, 2.46 percent in housing, 0.36 percent in household goods, and transportation and communication. An increase of 0.17 and a decrease of 4.23 percent were observed in culture, education and entertainment.
Compared to the previous month in wholesale prices; 13.77 percent in the unprocessed materials group, 4.96 percent in the chemicals group, 4.82 percent in the foodstuffs group, 3.55 percent in the construction materials group, 1.45 percent in the textile G-group, 0.13 percent in the fuel and energy materials group. increase was observed. In the mines group, there was a decrease of 1.64%.