
“We are implementing rational policies to increase reserves”

President Erdoğan evaluated the NATO Leaders’ Summit on his return from Vilnius. Stating that the Summit provided progress in many areas, President Erdoğan stated that he believes that the processes related to the Customs Union update, visa liberalization and projects that will strengthen Turkey’s defense capability will gain momentum.

Stating that he sent his adviser to Brussels to discuss these issues, Erdoğan continued his words as follows:

We sent your advisor, Çağatay Bey, to Brussels. Tomorrow they will have discussions on these issues there. It will discuss both the Customs Union issue and visa liberalization issues. I believe that these will be in favor of Türkiye. Ursula von der Leyen also told us some positive things about it today. I think my advisor, Çağatay, will return from there with positive developments.

“Gulf leaders said they are ready to make serious investments”

Referring to the new management team in the economy and the visit to the Gulf, President Erdoğan stated that he will visit Saudi Arabia, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates in order to strengthen relations. Erdogan noted that the leaders told him they were ready to make serious investments in Turkey.

Underlining that the economy is in the hands of competent cadres, President Erdoğan said that they will reduce inflation to single digits, take steps to strengthen the economy and make Turkey grow, and continued:

Reserves improved by $14.2 billion

The Central Bank reserves, which were 98.5 billion dollars on May 26, increased to 108.6 billion dollars on 30 June. In this 1-month period, net reserves improved by 14.2 billion dollars. These figures give confidence and encouragement to the economy, finance and trade circles. We will implement our economy program without compromise in line with the goals we have set. We implement rational policies to increase the accumulation of international reserves and work to attract international investments to the country.

“We will see inflation in single digits in a short time”

We will not hesitate to take the necessary steps for the growth of Turkey and the welfare of our citizens. After all necessary infrastructure and superstructure works are completed, inflation, which tends to decrease, will fall to single digits in its course. I believe that we will see single-digit inflation figures in a short time.

President Erdoğan stated that they will transfer some of the income from natural gas and oil to this bank by establishing the Family and Youth Bank and said that the payments within the scope of the Turkey Family Support Program have started.

Norway example in social benefits

Pointing out that the support provided to approximately 4 million households since the beginning of the program, which will continue for one more year, has reached 40 billion liras, President Erdoğan said, “However, the pension for the elderly within the scope of social service models ranges from 1997 lira to 2 thousand 348 lira, and the pension of citizens with a disability rate of 40-69 percent is 1594 liras. We increased the salary of citizens with a disability report of 70 percent or more from 2 thousand 392 lira to 2 thousand 811 lira. Now we are taking a new step. He also established the Family and Youth Bank. We will transfer a certain part of our natural gas and oil revenues to this Family and Youth Bank. From there, we will allocate it to such ladies and young people. The country that gives the best example of this is Norway. Norway continues this business successfully. A certain part of all its oil revenues are reserved for young people as reserves. It is reserved for future generations. Now, hopefully, we will do a similar one in our country with the Family and Youth Bank. Our Ministry of Family and Social Policies continues its efforts to ensure that disadvantaged individuals benefit from various service and social assistance models.

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